The Ten Plagues Wooden Passover Puzzle
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SKU: TD-7204 / Availability: Out Of Stock /

Touchwoodessign has made an interactive educational wooden puzzle to teach the ten plagues to kids and grown-ups alike! 

This charmingly simple design features all ten plagues that preceded the Israelites exodus from Egypt. Under each wooden cover is a short description of that particular plague.

This puzzle is perfect for rainy days, Shabbat afternoons, and also as part of your Passover Seder.

  • Eco-friendly
  • Bio-degradable
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The Ten Plagues Wooden Passover Puzzle

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SKU: TD-7204 / Availability: Out Of Stock /
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The Ten Plagues Wooden Passover Puzzle
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Meet the Producer

Touchwoodesign is an innovative, Jerusalem-based design company that makes unique laser-cut wood products. It is owned and operated by lifetime friends Ofir Barouchi and Assaf Goldstein.

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