The Jewish Journey Haggadah Connecting the Generations
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SKU: GP-99123 / Availability: In Stock /

This user-friendly family Haggadah is perfect for those of any background. Featuring the full Hebrew text, together with an easy-to-read translation and transliteration, the Haggadah adds meaningful commentary, stories, questions for discussion, fun holiday parody songs, jokes, Seder recipes, and activities to delight both adults and children. When you use this Haggadah, your guests will be so engaged that they will forget to ask, “When do we eat?”

Why the need for a new Haggadah? 

In some families, a Haggadah distributed by a leading coffee company might suffice. For others, further insight and explanation of the text is needed to make the Passover story come alive.

This Haggadah has been designed to Foster a deeper connection to Passover to enable participants from all backgrounds, from generation to generation, to be comfortable using a Hebrew or transliterated text, together with an inclusive English translation, provide a user-friendly format with suggestions for preparing for Passover and internalizing its messages afterward, show the central role played by women in the Passover story, spark discussion and sharing of insights, teachings, anecdotes, and stories.

  • Hardcover
  • 248 pages
  • Full Transliteration of the Hebrew Text
  • Fun songs, recipes, and stories will liven up your seder
  • Helps everyone feel part of the seder with tidbits and points for everyone to share
  • Color coding for the different features.
  • Appropriate for everyone from scholars to novice.
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The Jewish Journey Haggadah Connecting the Generations

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SKU: GP-99123 / Availability: In Stock /
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The Jewish Journey Haggadah Connecting the Generations
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Meet the Producer
Rabbanit Dr. Adena Berkowitz

Rabbanit Dr. Adena K. Berkowitz is a Scholar in Residence and co-founder of Kol HaNeshamah, NYC, an organization dedicated to reenergizing the spiritual lives of both not-yet-affiliated and affiliated Jews. With a background in law, Jewish studies, and psychotherapy. Rabbanit Berkowitz is the co-author, together with Rivka Haut, z”l, of Shaarei Simcha: Gates of Joy, a mini prayer book and the first liturgical work in the modern era written by Orthodox women.

A practicing therapist, she lives in New York with her husband Rabbi Zev Brenner and children Menachem Leib, Lizzy (and husband Sam Zakay), Pammy, Aderet, and Jessica Brenner

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