Hanan Elkayam established AgroCafe to help small family coffee farms increase their harvest and bring coffee to Israel. The coffee beans arrive in Israel green, and Hanan and his team roast them with love in the Holy Land. +1226 Whole Bean Coffee is the coffee that began the AgroCafe story.
The name is inspired by the growing altitude of the coffee trees, +1226 meters above sea level! The beans have a full body and a rich, deep aroma enhanced by being roasted with love by Hanan and his team in the Ella Valley in Israel.
+1226 is a fantastic way to start your day with a robust cup of Israeli coffee and to support Hanan and his team’s incredible work in Israel and at the coffee plantations. Hanan uses only Israel-made equipment to roast his coffee, and all his packaging and printing for his coffee is made in Israel.
Grind your beans to suit your brewing method, from French press to espresso.
Hanan suggests using your coffee grinds to fertilize your plants or remove refrigerator odors!
- 170 grams / 5.9 ounces
- Whole bean
- Kosher: Mahadrin Samaria Regional Rabbinate
- Reusable coffee bag
Premium Coffee Beans

AgroCafe is an Israeli coffee company that Hanan Elkayam founded in 2016. He established his business on the Jewish settlement of Srigim Li-On, a small community in the Elah valley; the very same place that David fought Goliath!