Pirkey Hallel A Shared Journey for Mother and Girls
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SKU: HW-030144 / Availability: In Stock /

Pirkei Avot is a book also known as “Ethics of the Fathers” or “Chapters of the Fathers.” It is a collection of ethical teachings and maxims from ancient Jewish sages. Pirkei Hallel is a unique book that captures Jewish women’s wisdom across the ages. Written by sisters Rena Ariel (Hallel’s mother) and Tziporah Piltz (Hallel’s aunt.) It offers a shared journey for mothers and daughters to learn together in preparation for Bat Mitzva when a young Jewish girl begins her journey to womanhood.

While Pirkei Hallel was written with Bat Mitzva girls in mind, anyone who’d like to gain a deeper understanding of Jewish tradition, the matriarchs, and other notable Jewish women from the Bible will enjoy this book. It is designed so you and your daughter can study one chapter a month for a year.

The book is divided into twelve chapters

  • Accepting Mitzvot (Jewish commandments)
  • The Four Matriarchs
  • Chesed (Kindness)
  • My Roots
  • Speech
  • Truth
  • Gratitude
  • Beauty and Modesty
  • Shabbat
  • Prayer
  • Eretz Yisrael (The Land of Israel)
  • The Beit HaMikdash (The Jewish Temple)

Each chapter is composed of five parts

  • Study pages
  • Activity pages
  • A short story
  • For Mothers: Moments of Hallel
  • One Last Thing – A space for you to write down your thoughts

This beautiful book was written in memory of Rena Ariel’s daughter Hallel Yaffa who, at sixteen, was murdered in her home in a horrifying terror attack. Her mother describes her daughter as a “beautiful, happy child with a smile that lit up the room.” By studying the book Pirkei Hallel, you will get to know Hallel Yaffa and the different aspects of her personality while you and your daughter get to know one another better.

Pirkei Hallel is a beautiful book for your family, friends, and loved ones. While it is written with mothers and daughters in mind, you may choose to study with a close female friend, goddaughter, niece, or granddaughter. 

  • Hardcover
  • 261 full-color pages
  • Photos of Hallel Yaffa
  • Authors: Rena Ariel and Tziporah Piltz
  • Illustrator: Rivka Atara Tsinman
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Pirkey Hallel A Shared Journey for Mother and Girls

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SKU: HW-030144 / Availability: In Stock /
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Pirkey Hallel A Shared Journey for Mother and Girls
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Hallel Winery
Hallel Winery

The Ariel in Yehuda Winery tends a very special vineyard named in memory of Amichai Ariel’s daughter Hallel who was murdered in a 2016 terrorist attack.

The story of the Hallel wine is heartbreaking and inspiring in its message to all of us to choose life. In 2016 while Halleli was sleeping at the family home, a terrorist broke into the Kiryat Arba settlement and Ariel’s home. He stabbed the sleeping young girl multiple times before he was discovered and neutralized.

Halelli’s father, while crushed with grief, decided to cultivate a vineyard as a living memorial for his beloved daughter. Each year he makes a Hallel wine in her memory.

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