Organic Israeli Suri Green Olives
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SKU: MSC-NS-27530 / Availability: In Stock /

The olive trees in the Neot Smadar vineyard are treated with bio-organic farming methods. No chemicals or synthetic fertilizers are ever used and the trees are treated with the greatest respect and care.

The extreme desert climate and unique soil conditions are perfect for the cultivation of olives and they are harvested and pickled using traditional methods handset down from generation to generation.

The Syrian olive is a small, juicy, green olive that has been grown in the land of Israel for thousands of years. The olives are cracked and have a slightly bitter taste making them a perfect compliment for savory dishes, and martinis.

But as for me, I am like a green olive tree in the house of God;
I trust in the lovingkindness of God forever and ever.” Psalm 52:8

  • Kosher Parve Supervision Rabbi Moshe Hadaya, Eilat
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Organic Israeli Suri Green Olives

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SKU: MSC-NS-27530 / Availability: In Stock /
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Organic Israeli Suri Green Olives
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Meet the Producer
Neot Smadar
Neot Smadar

Kibbutz Neot Smadar was established in 1986 by a group of friends with an interest in organic farming. (A kibbutz is a communal farm. The first kibbutz was established in Israel in 1909) The friends established their kibbutz in the southern Negev Desert 60 km north of Eilat and over the years they have coaxed the desert to bloom by cultivating an oasis of fruit trees, and vegetables.

Over the years they developed knowledge of the delicate ecosystem that experiences extreme temperatures and very little rainfall. Undaunted by the rocky desert soil they have cultivated 400 acres of land where they grow dates, olives, almonds, and a variety of fruit trees.

In addition to their flowering trees, the vibrant organic farm also raises goats for yogurts and cheese and a vineyard for making wine and has a vibrant community of artists who work in a variety of mediums creating beautiful functional art.

This small cooperative farm has developed an international reputation for the sweetest fruits, delicious olive oils, nectars, jams, and dried fruits.

Mordechai Corcos is an artist for Kibbutz Neot Smadar. He is a jeweler by profession who draws his inspiration from the soulful Negev Desert which surrounds the kibbutz. He is known for crafting unique Judaica, silver utensils, and restoration artifacts.

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