Israel is a beautiful land that has been abundantly blessed. This small country has a wealth of unique and beautiful wildflowers, which are stunning to view and lend the most divine flavor to Negohot’s Wildflower honey.
Negohot takes advantage of the variety of species of wildflowers and their different blooming seasons by moving the beehives to allow the bees access to the rich abundance of the flowers. This painstaking care of his hives results in a sweet honey with a subtle depth of flavor that makes it like a spoonful of heaven!
You’ll enjoy experiencing the sweetness of Israel with Negohot’s wildflower honey. Enjoy it in tea, on crackers, with your oatmeal, or drizzled over yogurt.
Negohot Honey is natural and never heated before packaging, as heating honey can reduce its nutritional benefits and dull the flavor.
Honey tips:
Why does honey crystallize?
When your honey crystallizes, it indicates 100% pure honey from bees pollinating flowers versus eating sugar water. The natural sugars in honey (glucose and fructose) bind together and create crystals. It does not mean your has expired. Some people even hope for crystallization because you can your honey like candy, letting it melt in your mouth! It’s also perfect for tea in this state.
How can I make crystalized honey drizzle again?
We recommend against heating the honey directly. You don’t want to alter the taste or reduce the health benefits. Instead, fill a bowl with hot water and place your honey jar in the warm bath. The crystals will melt, and you will once again be able to drizzle your honey!
- 100% Pure Honey
- Never heat treated
- Unfiltered
- 500 grams / 17.67 ounces
Negohot Wildflower Honey

Negohot is named for the small Jewish community in the Hebron Hills where owners, Baruch and Shimrit Foychtvanger established their home, family, and business. They established Negohot in 2006 and have developed a reputation for excellence in all that they do.