Israel is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes and abundant blessings, including a diverse array of unique and captivating wildflowers. Among these natural treasures is Negohot’s Wildflower honey, a delightful embodiment of Israel’s floral splendor.
Negohot meticulously tends to his beehives, strategically relocating them to capitalize on the rich diversity of wildflower species and their varying blooming seasons. This careful attention ensures that the bees have access to an abundance of nectar, resulting in a honey that is as heavenly as it is flavorful.
Indulge in the sweetness of Israel with Negohot’s wildflower honey, a versatile delicacy perfect for enhancing your favorite foods and beverages. Whether enjoyed in tea, spread on crackers, mixed into oatmeal, or drizzled over yogurt, each spoonful offers a tantalizing taste of nature’s bounty.
Negohot Honey prides itself on its commitment to preserving the natural integrity of its product. Never subjected to heat treatment before packaging, this honey retains its full nutritional benefits and rich flavor profile.
Here are some handy tips for handling honey:
Why does honey crystallize?
The crystallization of honey is a natural occurrence that indicates its purity, derived from bees pollinating flowers rather than consuming sugar water. The natural sugars in honey, such as glucose and fructose, combine to form crystals, a hallmark of its authenticity. Crystallization does not signify honey spoilage; in fact, some prefer this texture for its candy-like quality, perfect for savoring on its own or adding to tea.
How can I liquefy crystallized honey?
Avoid direct heating, which may compromise the taste and health benefits of the honey. Instead, immerse the honey jar in a bowl of hot water to gently melt the crystals. This method preserves the honey’s integrity, allowing you to once again enjoy its smooth, drizzle-worthy consistency.
- 100% Pure Honey
- Never heat-treated
- Unfiltered
- 250 grams / 8.81 ounces
Negohot Honey from Wildflower Flowers 250

Negohot is named for the small Jewish community in the Hebron Hills where owners, Baruch and Shimrit Foychtvanger established their home, family, and business. They established Negohot in 2006 and have developed a reputation for excellence in all that they do.