Dandelion Flower Honey
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SKU: DN-37729 / Availability: In Stock /

Dandelions are beautiful yellow edible herbs! They have been used for food and healing since Roman times and in the spring Israel’s fields and valleys are bright with cheerful blooms.

Negohot’s 100% natural Dandelion Flower Honey is quite unique and delicious. The taste is full of medium sweetness and a scent of the flowers themselves. The honey has a creamy texture and is perfect right from the spoon or on your breakfast toast!

Honey tips:
Why does honey crystallize?
When your honey crystallizes it is one of the first indicators that you have the real deal, 100% pure honey from bees pollinating flowers versus eating sugar water. So why does it happen? The natural sugars in honey (glucose and fructose) bind together and start creating crystals. With natural honey, the pollen can speed this up a bit. It does not mean your honey is not good or has expired. Some people even hope for crystallization to happen because then you eat can your honey like candy, letting it melt in your mouth! It’s also perfect for tea in this state.

How can I make crystallized honey drizzle again?
We recommend against heating the honey directly, you don’t want to alter the taste or reduce the health benefits. Instead, fill a bowl with hot water and place your jar of honey in the warm bath and the crystals will melt and you will once again be able to drizzle your honey!

  • 100% Natural honey
  • Never heat treated
  • Unfiltered
  • No added chemicals
  • Harvested from wild bees in Israel
  • 500 grams
  • Kosher Lemehadrin supervision Rabbi Moshe Cohen Har Hebron
  • Kosher for Passover
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Dandelion Flower Honey

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SKU: DN-37729 / Availability: In Stock /
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Dandelion Flower Honey
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Meet the Producer

Negohot is named for the small Jewish community in the Hebron Hills where owners, Baruch and Shimrit Foychtvanger established their home, family, and business. They established Negohot in 2006 and have developed a reputation for excellence in all that they do.

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