Replica Ancient Qumran Pottery 3D Puzzle
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SKU: LH-10096 / Availability: In Stock /

Replica Ancient Qumran Pottery 3D Puzzle

Travel to the Holy Land and dig into this fascinating Biblical archaeological challenge with Antika’s Replica Ancient Qumran Pottery 3D Puzzle! Handmade in Israel by a talented potter, this is a fascinating introduction to the world of archeology and pottery, an activity that takes place every day across the Holy Land!

This 3D pottery puzzle is based on one of the jars in which the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in 1947 in Qumran, in one of the numerous caves in the region. 

Inside your pack, you will find all the tools you need, detailed instructions for putting the fragments of this ancient replica jar back together, an introduction to the world of pottery in the Holy Land, and a label containing the details of your retired pottery jar. 

The original jars are displayed at the Shrine of the Book exhibition in the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. Once you’ve put your replica jar back together, you can take it and see how well you did compared to the original jars!

One Qumran Pottery Kit:

Kit includes: potsherds buried in sand, glue, paintbrush, plaster, spatula, balloon, welcome card, scroll introducing the story of ancient pottery, and information card with details about the replica jar.

Box measurements: 19cm x 18cm

Reconstructed Jar measurement:  2 x 2 x 8.5 inches


Contains small pieces. Keep out of reach from small children. 

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Replica Ancient Qumran Pottery 3D Puzzle

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SKU: LH-10096 / Availability: In Stock /
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Replica Ancient Qumran Pottery 3D Puzzle
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