Salted Wheat and Barley Grissini
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SKU: LH-10907 / Availability: Out Of Stock /

Shmueli Levitam, the baker behind the boutique Israeli bakery Offeh, was inspired by the Seven Species of the Holy Land when he created his delicious Salted Wheat and Barley Grassini.

Grassini is a snack that belongs in the savory cookie category. In Europe, various breadsticks are referred to as grissini. What makes them incredibly wonderful is that you can enjoy them in multiple ways. They go well with coffee and tea, soups and salads, even dipped in chocolate or served with ice cream! They are only limited by your imagination. We love grissini because they are portable, so you can take them with you when you are on the go and need a quick and easy snack.

These delicious Salted Wheat and Barley Grissini are made from wheat flour, spelt sourdough, and barley flour. Shauli gives his Salted Wheat and Barley Grissini a special touch by using poppy and caraway seeds to season them. The result is a snack with a satisfying crunch, rich flavor, and a pleasing taste of the Holy Land.

Nutrition information per 100 grams 

  • Calories – 428 kcal
  • Total Fat – 17.7 grams
  • Cholesterol – 0 milligrams
  • Sodium – 370 milligrams
  • Carbohydrates – 55.2 grams
  • Dietary fiber – 4.6 grams
  • Sugars – 7.3 grams
  • Protein – 9.6 grams

Allergy information: Contains gluten (wheat and barley) and sesame. It may contain traces of nuts (almonds, peanuts), oats, and poppy seeds.

  • Kosher. Parve. Supervision of the Jordan Valley Rabbinate
  • Vegan
  • No food coloring
  • No preservatives
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Salted Wheat and Barley Grissini

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SKU: LH-10907 / Availability: Out Of Stock /
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Salted Wheat and Barley Grissini
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Meet the Producer
Shauli Offeh

Shauli Levitam is a veteran baker, a pioneer of Israeli boutique baking. His mission is to create healthy, delicious food that can be enjoyed without guilt. Shauli learned the secrets of baking in Italy and France and has translated European baking traditions to suit his Israeli customers. He began his baking career in 1997, and for the past 24 years, he has been perfecting the art of healthy baking. As Shauli says, “I want to bake for others what I bake for my children.”

For Shauli, fantastic taste and health should go hand in hand, and he is committed to baking snacks that fulfill both dictates. According to Shauli, great taste begins with the baker and the intentions with which they cook. He believes that you have to cook with love and keep the recipients of your snacks and treats in mind!

His second commandment of cooking is quality. The best-baked goods begin with the healthiest, freshest ingredients and nothing extra needed. He seeks out healthy organic spelt flour, and all of his snacks are vegan.

After building several bakeries, Shauli has specialized in his favorite – from Italy – Grissini pastries made right here in Israel.

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